Goal 4 - New Opportunities
Identify & Pursue New Opportunities & Partnerships
Priority Objectives
4.1 Conduct a feasibility study for an elder care business
4.2 Conduct feasibility study for developing Artlish into a resort destination
4.3 Build on KCFN Group of Businesses’ network to include advisors
4.4 Invest in property development and management inside and outside of treaty settlement lands
4.5 Assess potential economic assets across KCFN territory
4.6 Conduct feasibility studies for the development of natural resources such as forestry and land-based hatcheries for shellfish and finfish
Other Objectives
4.7 Conduct feasibility studies for:
- Development at Black Sands
- A transportation company
- A marijuana business
- The purchase of Englefield barge and/or partnership with Vancouver Island Forest and Marine Group (VIFM)
- A socio-ecological centre for excellence in Fair Harbour