Tiičma Aggregate

- Email info@tiicma.com
The Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k:tles7et’h’ First Nations, a treaty Nation, has established a strong Economic Development Plan with a vision to develop a robust socio-economic foundation to take advantage of sustainable business opportunities, providing sustainable employment, and resolve local issues and challenges. Through the process of developing their plan, KCFN recognized there was a need to establish a locally owned businesses to provide much needed services to the community in support of their future developments.
When assessing the capital upgrades and infrastructure growth needs, leadership identified access to local gravel and sand was necessary to support current and future developments. As such, with the support of a contractor they secured a local source of aggregate and then established Tiičma Aggregate LP.
Tiičma Aggregate LP Mandate
Tiičma Aggregate provides value to the community by ensuring, where possible, products are locally procured, priced competitively, and top quality.
Tiičma Aggregate focuses on providing crush gravel and sand products to KCFN Government, Capital Works, and local businesses, residents and visitors to Houpsitas and surrounding communities. The company is currently managed by MIB Excavating (https://midislandbobcat.godaddysites.com/services), a contracted partner based out of Courtenay, BC, and working with KCFN Government to upgrade and develop the water, sewage and roadway infrastructure. This is part of the KCFN 5-year plan to address their community capital services issues and infrastructure needs, which calls for an on-going, reliable, and cost effective supply of gravel and sand.
Tiičma Aggregate is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tiičma Holdings LP, with principal offices located in Houpsitas and Campbell River, BC. The company is managed and administered by Tiičma Management Services LP which is primarily based at the KCFN Government Satellite Office at 1250C Ironwood Street, Campbell River, B.C.
The hours of operations are from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. For further information about Tiičma Aggregate LP, please contact Gary Wilson, CEO.