Tiičma Fisheries
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
- Phone 250-287-6406
- Email Fisheries@Tiicma.com
Our goal is to create meaningful employment opportunities, develop internal capacity and generate long-term economic & social benefits for the Nation through the development of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in a manner aligned with the values, principles and laws of the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k:tles7et’h’ First Nations.
Fishing has been an important part of life, sustenance and culture for KCFN since time immemorial, our goal to bring back fishing practises that support the needs of the Community while sustainably managing & maintaining healthy populations of salmon, halibut, rockfish, sablefish, urchins, sea cucumbers & clams.
Aquaculture is the future of producing high-quality and high-value seafood in a manner that is the most sustainable approach to producing protein known to man. Aquaculture allows for the farming oysters, clams, scallops, geoduck, sea cucumbers, mussels and abalone in a way that least impacts our environment. Aquaculture is part of the solution in providing food for an ever growing global population and, provides seafood for KCFN members contributing to food security for the Community.
The waters and environment in Kyuquot Sound are nutrient rich, clean and pristine with little if any human population impact or manmade pollution; this is the recipe for success in harvesting or growing the finest seafood anywhere. Kyuquot Territory is perfectly suited to support exceptional shellfish, finfish & seaweed growth and aquaculture business development.
Tiičma Fisheries is currently developing a commercial oyster farm in Cachalot Inlet capable of producing 3 million oysters and is working on installing a scallop farm at Amai Inlet with a capacity to grow 2 million Scallops.
Tiičma Fisheries envisions a future where KCFN will harvest, grow, process and market the finest seafood available. We envision becoming world leaders in farming species currently not farmed in Canada.
Eventually a shellfish & seaweed hatchery will be built as well a seafood processing plant capable of handling finfish, shellfish and seaweed processing, packing & cold storage.
This means well paying jobs, fishing & aquaculture training and mentorship opportunities for KCFN members willing to participate in this critically important and fast growing sector of food production.
Tiičma Fisheries has plans to develop geoduck, seaweed, sea-cucumber and abalone aquaculture farms as well as undertake clam and salmon enhancement and abalone restoration the traditional waters & land of the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k:tles7et’h’ First Nations.