Monitoring our Progress

We review our plan and monitor progress through quarterly reports and more thoroughly on a semi-annual basis with amendments as deemed necessary.
Staff will use the strategic plan when developing annual budgets and work plans, or any other plans connected to the KCFN Group of Businesses.
This strategic plan will be shared with the KCFN, partners and other key allies. An annual report
outlining progress made on the goals and objectives of this plan will be produced and shared
with the KCFN by July 31st of each fiscal year.
Strategic Plan Progress & Financial Report Calendar
Quarterly Reports:
- Quarter 1: July
- Quarter 2: October
- Quarter 3: January
- Quarter 4: April
Audit & Annual Report
- Financial Audit: June of each fiscal year
- Annual Report: July of each fiscal year
Annual Planning and Budgeting Process:
- October: Planning and Budgeting Sessions & Draft Development
- February & March: Approval of Annual Operating Plans & Budgets
See all of our reports in our Resource Library