December 23, 2022
Our New Brand, Logo and Website

We are proud to announce the launch of our new company name, logo, and corporate website as part of the ongoing transformation and evolution of our group of companies.
Our business has grown and evolved since we first incorporated as the KCFN Group of Businesses in 2014, and we felt it was time for a change. We have refreshed our logo to reflect our Nations’ history, where we come from, who we are today, and to symbolize our future.
After careful consideration we chose a new name and logo that reflects a more modern look and captures our vision.
Tiičma, meaning “Heart” in Nuučaan̓ał, is one of our Nations’ three high-level, interconnected strategy areas, representing the strengthening of our heart in part through economic development! The logo represents the two Nations, Kyuquot and Checleseht peoples, the land, the ocean, their interconnectedness, and how Tiičma Enterprises is at the center of their economic sustainability.
The new brand hits the airwaves today across all our new websites and social media channels.
In the spirit of the Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’ / Che:k’tles7et’h’ First Nations and Group of Businesses strategic economic visions, we distilled the essence of our new brand name and logo while respecting the Nations’ cultures and traditions. We’ve polished our personality, style guide, and the way we present our brand through the engagement of board, management and staff; the new brand has been built from the ground up.
We felt it was time for a change as our companies grew and evolved over the years, especially in the last 18 months. We have refreshed our brand to reflect our journey until today and we are excited for the new opportunities the future will bring. Today’s launch has been months in the making and we are pleased to share it with you!